HomeLIFESTYLEHome & Garden3 Tips for Lawn Disease Treatment

3 Tips for Lawn Disease Treatment

Did you know most lawns have at least two types of grass? And yet they are pretty easy to maintain. 

The problem comes in when your lawn starts acting up. 

Is it just a seasonal issue? Is your grass just a little dry? Or are those weird patches a sign you need lawn disease treatment?

Don’t panic! The grass is pretty durable, you just need to know what to look for, and how to treat it. 

How To Know If Your Garden Needs Lawn Disease Treatment?

There are two broad categories of lawn grasses: warm-season grasses (which grow best in hot weather) and cool-season grasses (which grow best in cold or fluctuating weather).

Grasses are usually low maintenance, but lawn diseases can occur when a fungus enters a grass that is experiencing the wrong type of weather and is susceptible to disease. 

There are a few things to look out for.

If you’re seeing colors other than green in your grass (usually yellow, brown, red, orange, or grey) it could be a sign of lawn disease. These colors will usually be in patches or rings and they grow over time.

If there are spots in your garden that are always wet or slimy, there is a high chance of them being fungal growth spots. 

If you think your grass may have lawn disease, read below for 3 tips for the best lawn disease treatment.

1. Preventative Lawn Care:

The grass is good at looking after itself. Sometimes all you need to do is improve your lawn maintenance, and your grass will be healthy enough to take care of the lawn disease by itself. 

Some things to incorporate into your lawn care maintenance routine:

  • only water your lawn when necessary
  • don’t mow your grass too short, and keep your mower blades clean and sharp
  • remove dead leaves and roots
  • aerate your lawn annually

2. Use Fungicides: 

If your grass isn’t able to deal with the lawn disease itself, there are some ways you can help it.

Fungicides are a type of pesticide which targets fungal infestations. It is usually a liquid or powder which you target at the infected grass areas. There are chemical and natural options for you to choose from. 

Make sure you consult instructions carefully, as these fungicides may still be harmful to you or your grass if you do not handle them correctly. 

If you’re using the right fungicides, this will be an effective treatment.

3. Hire Lawn Care Services:

If you’re still struggling with lawn disease after taking preventative steps and using fungicides, it might be time to hire a professional. 

Hiring lawn care service professionals can take the pressure off of managing your lawn maintenance and ensures you’re going to get your grass back on track.

Professionals like RDS Lawn Care can tell you exactly what is wrong with your lawn, and how to fix it. 

Keep Your Grass Safe From Lawn Disease:

Knowing the right preventative care and lawn disease treatments should keep your grass fresh and healthy. And when in doubt, there’s no shame in calling on professionals for help.

Grass is usually pretty tough. Look after it, and your lawn should be fine.

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I'm Bipasha Zaman, a professional author with vast experience in the research field. Presently, I work for many sites. Also, I have a strong passion for writing creative blogs.


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