HomeBUSINESSFINANCE3 Simple Explanations To Explain Why We’re So Bad at Saving Money

3 Simple Explanations To Explain Why We’re So Bad at Saving Money

It’s not easy to save money – no matter what our financial circumstances may be. We all know how crucial it is for saving money away for future expenses and for unforeseen emergencies, yet putting our “money where our mouth is” is rarely as simple as popping a little extra into a savings account every month. In times of plenty we find ourselves splashing out on luxuries, when money is tight we need every penny for the essentials each month. 

This applies even more heavily as we approach Christmas once again, in a year that has seen significant increases to the cost of living across the globe. It’s harder than ever to comfortably cover our essentials. So why exactly are we so bad at saving? And how can people the world over tackle the problem and become more financially secure? Here are a few reasons and a few potential solutions…

1. We’re not informed consumers:

According to customer data published by online fintech Wonga South Africa there is a distinct lack of financial awareness which needs to be tackled before many of us can evolve into savvy spenders and thrifty savers. Only 43% of customers polled knew what a credit report was, while 77% claimed not to look at fees or interest rates on credit applications. 67% did not know that they were entitled to a free credit report every year.

Only 32% claimed to save every month. With low levels of financial knowledge, it’s little wonder that many South Africans struggle to save. By making ill-advised choices about things like credit, many find themselves struggling with debts and repayments, making saving money next to impossible.

  • The answer: Get financially literate. There are many free resources – both online and offline – which can help you get a handle on your finances. However, based in the UK, charities like StepChange offer indispensable information and advice which can help you learn more about handling your money better.

2. We’re procrastinators:

It’s only too easy to put off essential but less-than-fun tasks like planning your finances. “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I don’t need to start thinking about my pension yet”, “I’ll start saving money later” are all common sentiments which put saving on hold. Yet the sooner we start saving, the more we are able to accumulate. Here’s a little illustration:

Save $100 every month for 25 years at an interest rate of 3% and you’ll put away $30,000, accumulating $44,712.28 with interest. Save the same monthly amount for just 15 years at the same interest rate and you’ll put away $18,000 yet accumulate just $22,743.01. 

  • The answer: Do it today. It might sound simple, but it is essential. Don’t leave your financial matters to go cold. Act on them now to benefit in the future. Having plans for things like house ownership, having kids or retirement can be the motivation you need to stop procrastinating, so start thinking of your future and start saving.

3. Budgeting is boring:

Nobody enjoys budgeting, but if you want to make real savings that will support you in the future, a clear budget which you stick to rigorously is essential. Even for individuals and families with little excess cash, a budget which ensures you’re putting away just a small amount each month could offer a valuable lifeline in future.

  • The answer: Get budgeting. There are hundreds of helpful budgeting tools out there which will help you do this. Try an app like Mint or Goodbudget to get started.

So there you have it, three answers and three actionable steps you can take today to improve your financial well-being. I hope this read was of some value to you!

Zeenat Azmi
Zeenat Azmi
I'm a writer with vast experience on various tropics and love to spread my knowledge with my writings. I specially love to write on topics like food, Health, business, travel, fashion, technology, digital marketing, etc.


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