HomeSOCIETYPETS & ANIMALSWhat to Consider Before Getting a Cat

What to Consider Before Getting a Cat

Every cat owner knows that these enchanting creatures bring joy and comfort to our lives. However, the serene image of a cat basking in a sunlit window belies the intricate layers of care, understanding, and commitment required to forge a fulfilling life for your feline companion. 

Welcoming a cat into your life is a commitment – you’ll likely have years of joy, surprises, and challenges together. Before you open your door (and heart) to a kitty, you should have a solid understanding of what it means to be a cat owner. 

Understanding Lifestyle Compatibility

Before you bring home your new kitten, a reflection on your lifestyle is your first step. Cats, with their varied personalities and needs, fit into our lives in unique ways. Consider your daily routine, home environment, and social life. 

Are you a frequent traveler, or do you relish the tranquillity of home? Cats require stability and a predictable environment to thrive. While independent, they are creatures of habit, finding solace in a routine. 

Cat Behavior and Temperament

Each cat comes with its unique personality. While some may shower you with affection, others might prefer admiration from a distance. It’s essential to learn about different breeds and their typical traits, but remember, each cat has a story of its own. First-time cat owners might find it easier to get friendly breeds such as Siamese cats, Ragdolls, and Persians.

Observing and interacting with your potential pet before deciding to bring them home can give you a glimpse into what you can expect from them for the rest of their time with you. A busy bee might find a perfect companion in a laid-back, independent cat, while an adventurous soul could match well with an energetic and curious kitty.

Financial Commitments

Adopting or buying a cat is a vow to provide, not just emotionally, but financially. The initial costs of adoption or purchase are just the first of many expenses you’ll likely have to shoulder throughout your cat’s life. 

Consider the ongoing expenses: nutritious food, regular vet visits, vaccinations, grooming, and unforeseen medical emergencies. These financial commitments all contribute to your cat’s well-being. 

While most cat owners will gladly spend any amount of money to ensure that their cat is healthy and feels loved, it’s still helpful to be cognizant of these costs beforehand. 

Adopting vs. Buying a Cat

The decision of whether to adopt or buy a cat should also come into play. Adoption offers a second chance to cats in need, often providing a loving home to those overlooked. On the other hand, buying a cat from a responsible breeder gives you peace of mind that you’ll get a cat with known traits and a better outlook in terms of long-term health. 

Regardless of your choice, what’s most important is to support ethical practices. Adopt from reputable shelters and rescues, or buy from responsible breeders – stay away from backyard breeders, and don’t just pick up the stray you see on your walk. 

Making Your Home Cat-Friendly

Cats are both predators and prey in their natural habitats. Their environment must cater to these instincts for them to feel truly at home. This means providing opportunities for hiding, climbing, observing, and hunting. 

Recognize that your cat’s needs are not just physical; they are deeply rooted in their psyche. A cat-friendly home is one where these instincts are not just acknowledged but celebrated and catered to.

Safety First

Begin by ensuring that the environment is safe. Secure windows and balconies to prevent falls. Keep hazardous materials, toxic plants, and small objects that can be ingested out of reach. 

Check your home for nooks and crannies where a cat might get stuck or hide if they’re scared, and ensure they can always find their way out or be easily retrieved.

Cat Perches and Trees

Cats have a natural propensity to seek higher ground, whether for safety, observation, or rest. Incorporate various levels in your home where your cat can perch and oversee their domain. This can be achieved through cat trees, shelves, or furniture that is safely accessible for climbing. 

Ensure these high points are stable and provide a comfortable resting place. For homes with more than one cat, vertical territory can help maintain peace by providing separate high points for each cat, reducing competition and stress.

Hiding Spots

Just as important as the high points are the hideaways. Cats need a private place to retreat, feel secure, and sometimes observe without being seen. These can be as simple as a box on its side or as elaborate as a specially designed piece of cat furniture

The key is that this space is solely theirs, where they won’t be disturbed. This sense of ownership over a safe space can significantly reduce a cat’s stress.


Welcoming a cat into your life is not just about providing a home; it’s about embarking on a journey of mutual growth, learning, and love. It’s not just about what you can offer your new cat; it’s also about the love, laughter, and serenity they bring into your life. If you’re ready to commit, to embracing both the joys and the responsibilities, then you’re on the path to becoming a perfect cat owner. 

I'm Bipasha Zaman, a professional author with vast experience in the research field. Presently, I work for many sites. Also, I have a strong passion for writing creative blogs.


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