HomeHealthDo You Have A Drinking Problem? Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Do You Have A Drinking Problem? Warning Signs of Alcoholism

We’ve all had that moment where it’s felt like maybe we’ve had one too many. Perhaps we can’t stop thinking about that one drink or how good it would feel to have one more. If this sounds familiar, you must be contemplating if you have a drinking problem. But how can you tell? Check out these warning signs of alcoholism. And if any of them sound like you, don’t wait – get help today. The sooner you get treatment, the better chance you have of recovering from alcoholism and reclaiming your life.

What is Alcoholism?

It’s vital to understand what ‘addiction’ means when determining if you are a slave to alcohol. Alcoholism is a chronic disorder that gradually affects both your physical and mental health. It causes compulsive drinking, despite harmful consequences. It might mean continuing to drink even after you’ve been in an accident or getting into legal trouble because of your alcohol use.

Alcoholism can cause individuals to lose control over their drinking and not stop even if they want to. Their addiction also tends to worsen with time. When someone who drinks begins to rely on alcohol more and more to feel relaxed, their health and well-being deteriorate.

Common Signs of Alcoholism:

The earlier you realize you’re a ‘heavy drinker with problems,’ the better it gets. There are many signs of alcoholism. The following are some of the most frequent symptoms of alcohol addiction:

  • Weak coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired thinking
  • Memory loss
  • Inability to quit despite all efforts

If you or an acquaintance is exhibiting most of the symptoms above, please rush them to the Florida treatment center before it gets too late.

To better understand how alcoholism can creep up on someone, it’s essential to take a closer look at the physical, psychological, and behavioral signs of alcohol addiction.

Physical Symptoms of Alcoholism:

As it is known, alcoholism is a disease that affects the body and the mind. There are many physical symptoms of alcohol addiction. These can vary depending on how severe the addiction is—however, some key signs to look out for include frequent blacking out episodes and memory lapses. Many people can also develop tremors and shakes, which can harm those they care about just as much. Nausea is amongst some other minor concerns faced by someone with alcohol addiction.

Although some individuals manage to cure themselves without any rehab, most people with alcohol addictions tend to develop a tolerance to alcohol, which means they have to drink more to feel its effects.

A human body can only tolerate so much alcohol before it becomes dangerous—alcoholism linked to severe liver damage, pancreatitis, and heart disease.

Psychological Symptoms of Alcoholism:

Unlike physical symptoms, psychological symptoms are not as easily recognizable. People with alcohol addiction can often experience mood swings, depression, and anxiety. There is also a category of lone drinkers who find it challenging to socialize and feel embarrassed or ashamed of their drinking problem yet fail to quit.

Denial is also a common psychological symptom of alcoholism. Unfortunately, many people refuse to believe that they have a problem because it’s hard to face the fact that you’re addicted to something.

The best way to determine if you or someone you know has an alcohol addiction is by visiting a doctor for a proper diagnosis. If left untreated, alcohol addiction can lead to dangerous health problems. However, it is possible to overcome this disease and live a healthy life free from alcohol dependency with the right treatment plan and support system.

Behavioral Symptoms of Alcoholism:

The behavioral indicators of an alcohol use disorder will typically be apparent, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. People who have a problem with drinking may become more secretive about their actions due to people’s concerns or advice to stop.

People who consume alcohol may be more likely to have accidents and display symptoms of injury that they may try to disguise. For example, a person suffering from alcoholism may also hide alcoholic beverages at home or work. A person might be concerned about running out of alcohol, which leads them to keep an extra supply on hand.

Alcohol abuse can also cause a decrease in personal hygiene and appearance care. When alcohol abuse persists, the individual may appear to have not showered, stopped shaving, or changed their clothing. Alcohol abuse frequently leads to difficulties in a person’s interpersonal relationships at all levels of life. When intoxicated, a normally calm person may undergo moodiness, sadness, or irritation.

How Common is Alcoholism?

According to research, 29.1 percent of the population in the United States (or 68.5 million individuals) has had an alcohol use disorder at some point in their life (of varying degrees). About 13.9 percent of the US population (32.6%) experienced an alcohol use problem within a year. Approximately 19.8% of people with alcohol disorder seek help or ask for assistance at some time during their lives.

The Big Step:

If you have realized you have a problem, the next step is to admit it. It can be challenging, but it is the first step on the road to recovery. It’s important to remember that people care about you and want to see you get better. You’re not alone in this fight.

I'm Bipasha Zaman, a professional author with vast experience in the research field. Presently, I work for many sites. Also, I have a strong passion for writing creative blogs.


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